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Customs – T1

T1 Document
creation & explanation of the transit procedure

The T1 is a transit procedure, which Is applied for border crossings of goods within the EU and the EFTA states. More information, such as the field of application, or the course of this procedure, as well as, how FLS can help you with the T1 document, can be found in the following article.

T1 customs document – Creating documents with FLS

With FLS, you can create every document for your freight transport fast and easy. This applies also for the T1 customs document. Profit from our long-term experience and additionally also from our partners, who are professional customs brokers. By leaving this task to us, you will be able to enjoy a smooth and easy transport of your goods.

What is a T1 transit procedure?

As already mentioned, the T1 customs documents is a type of transit procedure. It ensures crossing boarders without import charges within the EU, the EFTA-states and further contracting parties. These charges are not due until the goods are arriving at the destination country. The most important fact about the T1 procedure is that it is an external transit procedure, which is hence used for the import non-EU goods. This means that the goods have not been manufactured in the EU, but are to be transported transnationally within Europe. A transport over a third country is also possible with the T1 document.

T1 customs procedure

The T1 transit procedure is initiated by customs at the place of departure. For the application and creation of this document, details, such as information about the consignor and consignee, EORI numbers, the number of packages and their total weight, the number of seals and the customs tariff number, are necessary. Thereby, the goods are traceable end-to-end. This also ensures that the goods have been cleared properly.
From this point on, you have seven days to present your freight to the respective customs office. Here, the goods will be examined and there will also be an identity check. For the T1 transit procedure, you will also have to leave a deposit of security. This should cover the estimated costs for the import charges, which are due at the destination country. You can cover the security deposit by cash, commercial papers, or bail. Yet, you will not have to leave this security deposit, as our own exclusive customs broker will be taking care of this.
Simplified procedures are only acceptable for authorised consignors or consignees. During the clearance at the destination country, the T1 transit procedure will be closed again. After presenting the goods to customs, receiving a dispatch note and a security approval, the goods can be released for free circulation.

FLS are a fantastic team of people, from the top management down. Every member of the team I have had the pleasure to work with has been extremely helpful and has provided a fast effective solution to the requirement I have given them

Logistics Manager

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